How To Automate Across Enterprise and Hyperscale Clouds with Terraform and Ansible w/ AJ Kuftic
Time: 2:30-3:00PM PDT
Companies are being asked to do more with less and turning to automation to deliver on those requests. This leads to challenges around collaboration and the skill set of the team to bring an automation strategy forward. Expedient’s Enterprise Cloud platform can help enable you and your team to begin your automation journey and allow you to focus on the higher value work and not day to day maintenance. AWS can provide your business with massive scalability and platforms to build new applications. With Terraform and Ansible, you can connect to either our VMware Cloud Director platform or AWS and deploy applications. In this session, we will show how to do that and leave attendees with the code to help kickstart their automation journey.
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AJ Kuftic is a Principal Technologist at Expedient.